The Aviation Safety Inspector (Dispatch) is assigned to Air Carrier Safety Assurance (ACSA) and interfaces among assigned air carriers, course operators, designated aircraft dispatcher examiners (DADE), and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
Technical Administration
Ensures on a continuing basis that the 14 CFR part 121 dispatch centers and/or 14 CFR parts 121/65 dispatch training facilities are properly and adequately organized, equipped, and staffed with qualified aircraft dispatchers, support personnel, instructors, and air transportation supervisors (ATS).
Serves as the expert technical advisor on policies and procedures to the principal operations inspector (POI) on assigned areas of the companys approved 14 CFR part(s) 121 and/or 65 training program, dispatch documents and manuals.
Conducts investigations of public complaints, congressional inquiries and aircraft incidents and accidents with operational control related implications. Conducts enforcement investigations and prepares final reports and recommendations on disposition. Initiates and/or assists in the emergency suspension of airmen certificates.
Provides verbal and/or written technical assistance to legal counsel. Testifies at court trials and formal hearings and gives depositions.
Coordinates and provides technical expertise to other district offices for various surveillance and certification activities in the aircraft dispatch/operational control program area and related CFR and agency orders.
Serves as the Managing Specialist (MS) and the Dispatch Course Program Manager (DCPM) for any 14 CFR part 65 training program. Conducts initial and annual training and recommends the designation of all assigned DADEs.
Participates in the initial certification of new 14 CFR part 121 applicants in all aircraft dispatch/operational control related areas. Reviews dispatcher documents and evaluates related plans to ensure compliance with the regulations and FAA policy and guidance. Recommends changes which may require complex and controversial solutions to the POI that will be required prior to approval of dispatch centers.
Reviews and recommends approval or disapproval of manuals and revisions to manuals related to flight dispatching and operational control, including procedures for coordination of dispatch, flight control or flight following procedures as applicable.
Participates in the initial certification of new 14 CFR part 65 dispatch courses. Reviews dispatch course documents and evaluates related plans to ensure compliance with the regulations and FAA policy and guidance. Recommends changes which may require complex and controversial solutions that will be required prior to approval of dispatch courses. Conducts airman certification of aircraft dispatchers as requested.
Evaluates airline operational control and dispatch facilities as requested by on-site inspections and the review of reports from other inspectors. Based on the results of those evaluations, makes a recommendation on changes essential or desirable in policies and procedures to the POI.
Ensures standardization of ATSs and DADEs.
Develops a work program, in coordination with the POI, to ensure periodic surveillance of operational control centers, 14 CFR parts 121 and 65 training instructors, training programs, and ll phases of 14 CFR part 121 air carrier dispatch operations. Monitors aircraft dispatcher training programs conducted by the air carrier and the course operators to ensure compliance with the regulations, national and regional directives, and safe operating practices.
Develops a work program working in conjunction with Principal Operations Inspector to ensure periodic surveillance of 14 CFR part 65 training courses. Monitors the part 65 training course to ensure compliance with regulations, national directives, and safe operating practices. Monitors DADEs during the conduct of airmen certification and recurring evaluations to ensure compliance with established standards.