
Aviation Job Search

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Frequently Asked Questions

Should I post my resume on the Internet? back to top

We recommend posting your resume on reputable websites to avoid your personal information being exploited or sold. JSfirm.com's digital resume allows only verified companies using our website to view your resume. In addition, you still have the opportunity to choose complete confidentiality (confidential example), allowing you to look for employment while currently being employed! JSfirm.com does not sell or exploit your information. We simply connect employee with employer keeping confidentiality in the greatest standard. We have developed a unique database allowing you to sell yourself without divulging personal information to the public. Best of all there is no fee for placing your resume on our site.

Advances in computer technology have made it possible for detailed information about people to be compiled and shared more easily and cheaply than ever. That's good for society as a whole as well as individual consumers. It is easier for law enforcement to track down criminals, for banks to prevent fraud, and for consumers to learn about new products and services, allowing them to make better-informed purchasing decisions. At the same time, as personal information becomes more accessible, each of us - companies, associations, government agencies, and consumers - must take precautions to protect against the misuse of that information.

The Federal Trade Commission
"I saw an ad on the Internet for jobs in corporate finance. I faxed my resume to the 800-number listed and got a call from a woman who said her company works with businesses to find employees to fill their positions. She said the service would cost me $495, but the fee was fully refundable if I was dissatisfied or found a job on my own. She guaranteed me interview opportunities and told me that if I found a job through her company, there was a good chance my new employer would reimburse me for the fee. I never got any interviews, let alone a refund, and now I can't even get the company to return my calls." -paraphrased from a sample complaint letter to the FTC.

What type of website services are there? Where does JSfirm.com stand? back to top

Our web site has been specifically developed to attract both employers and employees with the option of not divulging confidential information. In addition, JSfirm.com has created an opportunity for Aviation Companies and Aviation Personnel to locate each other without intervention of placement services. Our systems is simple, cost effective, and IT WORKS!

There are two types of aviation job boards.

1 - One that charges companies to post jobs
2 - One that charges job seekers to post their resume.

JSfirm.com is free to job seekers.

Be cautious of websites that charge you to post your resume. These websites often scrape job advertisements from other sites and sometimes scrape various aviation company websites. Often the job information is old, outdated, and not accurate. Companies pay a fee to list their job advertisements and search resumes on JSfirm.com. This ensures the job is accurate and current, and the company viewing your resume is real.

There are many types of placement service agencies out there. It is important that you educate yourself when selecting an employment service from a company. Companies all too often misrepresent themselves to employees regarding who pays the associated cost with finding a job opportunity, as well as keeping your information confidential. This is important! JSfirm.com provides candidates the ability to market his/her services directly to companies on our website.

Who pays? back to top

JSfirm.com is free to job seekers. Post your resume for free now! JSfirm.com allows job seekers to complete our online digital resume. Call 724.547.6203 for resume assistance. 

Post Jobs and Search Resumes - Call 724.547.6203 for pricing on posting single or multiple jobs and resume database access pricing. This includes job postings, a company link, company logo, self maintenance feature, automatic profile emails of new employee listings, access to online employee resumes, and company exposure! Companies have the option to list a job on JSfirm.com or search our database of candidates, which offers  exposure through your listing, and access to employee resumes.

Target Email to Job Seekers - Call 724.547.6203 if your company is having a difficult time filling a specific position. JSfirm.com can help you develop a comprehensive marketing package to be sure you reach both passive and active job seekers.

What happens to information I submit to JSfirm.com? back to top

Your information is stored in our database and is searchable by companies using our service. This information is dictated and edited by you. Employee resumes are searchable by employers that are interested in their qualifications. JSfirm.com does not sell your information and it is not our intention to make any confidential information (contact information) searchable on-line by the general public. If you want to see an example of how your information is searchable:

Employee's digital resume
Confidential digital resume
Search for jobs
Search for Employees

How can I be informed of new aviation jobs? back to top
In your application there is a check box for automatic e-mails. E-mail's of new listings will be sent directly to the e-mail address, provided the box is checked. Once you receive your password, or during the listing procedure you can modify your application at any given time to receive the type of jobs you want.

Why Choose JSfirm.com? back to top

Our program allows candidates to manage their career confidentially online.

JSfirm.com has a vested interest in the betterment of the Aviation industry and believe it starts with personnel.

JSfirm.com represents individuals with complete confidentiality.

JSfirm.com has developed a unique search engine allowing only your description to be searched...... not your confidential information!

JSfirm.com represents the Best of the Best for both employers and employees

What Agreements will I need to sign? back to top

JSfirm.com requires no agreements for job seekers, only that they understand a standard privacy policy.

Companies may sign an agreement if purchasing a multiple user or multiple job posting package to use our site.

How do I change my information? Password? back to top

Once you fill out the member registration you now have the ability to modify that information at any time. Choose "your profile" to modify your existing information. Keep in mind, search result information is sorted by last updated. When you return to modify or simply review your information, it is considered an update.

To receive your password go here.

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817-560-0300 Questions about company billing.
724-547-6203 Questions about advertising jobs on our website.
724-547-6203 Questions about posting your resume on JSfirm.com.


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